Friday, September 6, 2013

Only a few minutes

Just a quick note to let you know everything went well. Ibssa and I both handled it well after we had our teary good bye. I just keep telling him that daddy went to Canada and mommy and Ibssa will go to Canada soon. He seems ok with that. He had a bit of a meltdown this afternoon but a nap was what he needed. We are going outside now to play soccer. Love you Paul wherever you are....I think in Washington hopefully Chow for now Karen


  1. As of 9:00am EST, I am in Washington.
    I cannot believe how hard it was to say goodbye to new friends I have only know for 4 weeks.
    Saying goodbye to Ibssa and Karen was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
    It's amazing how close you can get when it's just you, your wife, your new little boy and 7-8 million people you don't know.
    I love you Ibssa and Karen.

  2. Hi Paul! We hope you have made it safely home by now! (Or close, anyway!) you are missed, but we are all a little jealous you are back on the "home turf"! Karen and Ibssa joined us for supper, which was lovely. Hopefully you will all be reunited in a few short weeks!
