Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An improvement in my Ibssa

Ibssa woke up today in really good spirits. He actually ate some ri e pudding that Candy gave us and a hard boiled egg. He started dancing after breakfast. His mood continued all day. We walked to the bank and then he played with Ashee for a long time. He came back to me fed and ready for his nap. Life is gods today. The ventilin is really working. We had no power and Internet all morning so we had to be creative with play. After his nap he wanted to pop some popcorn and bring it to Faith. That just means the kids downstairs but he really has connected with Faith. We played for a while and then went to the Greek restaurant for supper. I didn't want Ibssa to walk that far with his cold so Dave carried him on his back in backpack sort of thing. Thanks Dave! Now it is Jammie time a bit of a movie and then bed! Tomorrow I am shopping for Ibssa's birthday in the morning. The other families offered to watch him so I could finish quickly. I made his cake today. We are going to have a pizza party for him tomorrow with the other families. Not much to report today EXCEPT THAT I STILL HAVE NO LETTER! Okay God I have done everything you asked me to. Please help me here. Chow for now Karen

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ibssa!!!It will be your last one celebrated in Africa. Sounds like mommy is going to make it pretty special!
