Thursday, August 29, 2013

Technology Day

Well today was a real hodge podge of a day.  Our morning routine was pretty normal.  I have to say breakfast is so enjoyable.  Ibssa LOVES breakfast.  It is always a great start to our day.  We did the usual, my two boys played while mom cooked and cleaned.  We were waiting for Martha from Kids-Link to phone about our passports.  Nothing….surprise.  The troops volunteered me to call so I tried several times….the usual…network busy, phone busy, no answer.  Good grief!  Just as I went down to tell Heather I wasn’t having any luck the phone rang and it was Martha.  She said that we would have to wait until tomorrow and that we would have to meet Germatchew at the gates of Immigration at 10am.  We arranged a ride with the guesthouse driver Sinteyew so now it is a go.
Since we now had time on our hands Heather decided to take her boys to the doctor so Paul and Ibssa hung out with Dave.  I decided this would be my day to cook my chicken.  It’s hard to believe but beef is cheaper than chicken here…who knew.  I decided to boil my chicken and make soup with the leftover vegetable I had hanging around. By the time the meat was cooked we decided we would venture out with Dave, Heather and family for lunch.  We suggested Ibssa’s favourite spot…the one that served traditional food, and is very cheap.  This place is always busy, I guess it is the local joint.  Paul and I weren’t very hungry so we shared a clubhouse.  We thought we ordered the same thing for Ibssa that he had the last time but nope…surprise a different form of injera.  It just came with sauce.  Poor guy, oh well, he ate it anyway.  On our way back to the guest house we stopped and picked up a few groceries at a stop and shop and then went home. It was time for Ibssa’s nap.  I knew we were having company later, Tilahun, so I wanted Ibssa to be able to last.  He had no problem taking a nap.  Paul and I had some quiet time and just sat and talked and watched the rain come teaming down.  It was actually very peaceful.  It was at this point that we realized he only had one more week left in Ethiopia. L

Dave & Tilahun
Just as Ibssa woke up Getcho showed up with Tilahun.  I asked Getcho to join us but he had other things to do.  Tilahun and Paul started trying to download our music to Tilahun’s computer.  Rob and Candy stopped by with their computer too.  They wanted to figure out how to skype.  You should have seen our living room.  Talk about geek town…there were 3 computers, one tablet, and 4 phones.  Ibssa was in heaven.  Candy and I decided to take a walk to pick up some fruit and veggies.  Our timing really couldn’t have been worse.  When we were the farthest point away from the guesthouse it just started teaming down rain again.  We usually don’t get two bouts of this in a day. 
Ibssa & Bereket
 The second rain is usually mild.  Good thing we had our umbrellas, but we still go soaked.  When we returned the boys were still confused on how to get music from my iphone to the computer.  I didn’t even try to help, I just went off and continued adding to my soup.  They still had no luck with the wifi until Ibssa stepped in.  Yes, it took a 4 year old to show the men how to turn the wifi on on Tilahun’s computer.  That was the funniest part of our day!  Look out Jake, your brother is following in your footsteps!  We had to seek the help of the Reich’s downstairs because we were still not having much luck with the music. 
At this point my supper got put on hold while the minds were at work.  They finally accomplished their agenda and the music got downloaded.  We also downloaded a bunch of movies.  My soup turned to stew as it sat and soaked up all of the water.  That didn’t matter to my boys…they ate it and said it was yummy.  I also made a bread pudding for supper to.  I had the hardest time finding raisins until this afternoon. When I opened up the trail mix bag from Costco to serve as a snack and low and behold…RAISINS!  I managed to pick out half a cup, just enough for my recipe, and I made bread pudding.  According to the Canadians here it was awesome.  Maybe I am like mom in a lot of ways.  Making something out of nothing.  It was getting late and Tilahun said he needed to go.  What was I thinking, he is only 16 and it is dark.  I gave him money to take a cab home.  He is such a blessing to us.  Ibssa just loves him to pieces.  He invited Ibssa and I to celebrate the Ethiopian New Year on September 11.  We will certainly try to make it.  Rob came back up and Paul got skype working for him.  He was pretty happy.  This was his first connection with their family back home.

 It was certainly a good day all around.  And now we know we have another techno wizard in the family.  LOL.  Tomorrow will be another busy day.  We are going for Ibssa’s passport and we also told Markos he could take us to another couple of his favourite spots that he brings tourists. 

Time to wind down and get ready for bed.
Chow for now


1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better Karen! Well enough to cook even! A four year old computer wizard, I LOVE IT!!!! DSUC will put that talent to good use!
